It’s two days before Thanksgiving, where the majority of Americans will gather together and enjoy copious amounts of food and family. Some may have more quiet times together and others may have loud and lively celebrations.
However, it’s not really about the food, drinks, and fun. It’s about recognizing our thankfulness for each day we can breathe and the blessings in our lives.
At my business networking meeting this morning, our president challenged us to state what we were grateful for during our 40 second “infomercial.” Some of the group was thankful for each other and the business they received for the year from each other, others were grateful for their health, their faith, or their friends and/or family. Because I pretty much cry/tear up at the drop of a hat, I knew I couldn’t say all the things I’m really truly grateful for, because I’d be a boo-hooing mess all over the floor, curled up in a corner. So I decided that I’d take a meme I had seen and share that, keeping my thankfulness post upbeat, rather than the snotty mess I knew I’d be otherwise.
I thought I’d get a laugh. At least a giggle, snort, or chuckle.
I got crickets.
Oh well. At least I wasn’t a snotty mess.
But what am I grateful for?
Let me count the ways.
*My faith that Jesus saved me. I don’t always live up to His standard, but if I did, I wouldn’t be human now, would I?
*My husband who keeps me laughing and is my biggest cheerleader. Now that I have you picturing my husband in a cheerleader skirt, you’re welcome.
*My cat just because he’s cool.
*My family who enjoys spending time together when we can get the chance.
*My friends who know my weirdness and are ok with it.
*My clients who are helping me build my practice so I can help others.
*My new office space where I can see my clients and help them feel better.
*My church family who reaches out to the city and to the “ends of the earth” to show the love of God to others.
*A business community that helps build each other’s businesses, and also that takes care of others less fortunate in the surrounding community. (check out the pictures!)

The delivery truck being unloaded at the Mission of Mercy food distribution before Thanksgiving. We distributed over 6,000 pounds of food to 126 families!
*A decent apartment to live in that keeps us warm (or cool in the summer) and safe.
*A car that gets me where I need to go.
*An auto mechanic I trust completely to take care of my older-high-mileage car so I can get where I need to go.
I know there are so many more things, but I’ll just stop there before the snotty mess starts.